Finding Husky is an interesting and practical game for the first semester/ quarter students of Northeastern University. This game helps them to get familiar with the buildings and the surroundings of Northeastern University in a fun way.

Finding Husky is an interesting and practical game for the first semester/ quarter students of Northeastern University. This game helps them to get familiar with the buildings and the surroundings of Northeastern University in a fun way.
Find Husky in the Richard Hall.
Find Husky in the Snell Library.
Find Husky in the Curry Student Center.
Find Husky in the Ell Hall.
Find Husky in the Dodge Hall.
Find Husky in the Ryder Hall.
Find Husky in the Knowles Cneter.
Find Husky in the Egan Engineering Center.
Find Husky in the Shillamn Hall.
Find Husky in the Marino Recreation Center.
Easy Mode
Press the button of "Go to x(1-10)" to start the game. After that, follow the requirements showing on the page to find the number of the building. The number of each building is under the colorful pdf map. Then input the number to the textbox, and click submit button. If you enter the right number, the page will show "Congratulation! You've find xxx building!" Otherwise the page will show "Try it again!"
Hard Mode
Press the "Find" button to start the game. After that, follow the requirements showing on the page to find the marker of the building. If you click the right marker, the page will show "Congratulation! You've find xxx building!" Otherwise the page will show "Try it again!"
Click the Labels button under the Satelite button or the Map button, you can see the name of each building and road.